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Would Earth Goddess Geo-Gaia have commanded them to cut down all their forests?
If nobody lived, what does that say about these almighty Gods?
Religions go astray all the time. They break off into sects and cults. Geo-Gaia welcomes devotees of all faiths including the three major western ones, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
The Goddess's teachings may depart from the interpretations that some put on the Bible. But then, the Old Testament isn’t the sole property of Christians. It's shared in common between the Bible, the Torah and the Koran.
Listening to modern Christians who call themselves Fundamentalists or Bible Believers, you may note that they’re actually Pre-Christians. Their views are based mostly on Old Testament ideas from before Christ, with some prophecies thrown in from the much later Book of Revelation and a few older beliefs that hark back to ancient traditions of Roman, Greek and Egyptian gods. Those include the following:
- The martyrdom of Prometheus, who gave fire to man, and of the dying-and-reborn Dionysus and Adonis under Greek and Roman cult belief, may have been incorporated into the crucifixion story by the Apostle Paul. He advanced the idea that Christ died for humanity's sins. This "substituted atonement" leads to the Fundamentalist insistence on accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior, though not necessarily as a model for behavior and belief.
- Divine conception by a god is common in Greco-Roman myth, and was also useful in establishing the divinity of Roman emperors. Virgin birth is recorded in the first book of the New Testament by Matthew. But he also details the bloodline of Jesus from Jewish King David through Mary's husband Joseph... why?
- Monotheism, the One God concept, was briefly promoted as worship of Aten, the Egyptian sun god in Pharaoh Akenaten’s time. Moses, born in Egypt in the same century, may have added to the largely Babylonian traditions of the early Jews. The Persian Zoroastrian faith also worshiped a single Creator, versus an evil counterpart.
- Resurrection from death dates back to the Egyptian god Osiris, who was restored from his murder when his mate Isis reassembled his scattered body parts. This tradition led to the widespread Egyptian practice of mummification.
- Apocalyptic ideas seem to originate as a belief that God would send a prophet to lead the Jews to rise up against foreign masters. Under Roman rule, John the Baptist, or Jesus or his brother James or some other messiah was sought to lead ultra-orthodox Essenes in a rebellion against Roman rule, and establish a theocratic Jewish kingdom on earth. In later centuries, when this earthly kingdom failed to materialize, it seems to have become combined with the visions of a final conflict from the Book of Revelations foretelling a final Armageddon, a resurrection and a Second Coming of Christ, who had vanished shortly after his by-then-established resurrection.
- End Times cults were common from early Christianity, with evangelist prophets setting a date for the Kingdom of God which never comes. Only rarely do these prophecies result in mass suicides or suicidal rebellions, as with the Essene zealots who died out at Masada rather than convert to Roman emperor-worship. The prophets who survive past their doomsdays are disproven, but are often able to reset the end date and resume their ministries with some of the original followers. This continual and sometimes eager anticipation of doom has poisoned Christian belief in recent years.
- The promise of Christ’s return to Earth began soon after his crucifixion, as a continuation of the faith. But the Jewish promise of an earthly uprising against Rome was left out of the New Testament. Christ promised the Kingdom of God, but the Lord's Prayer seems to indicate that it is in Heaven, not on Earth. As Diogo Morgado, the actor who plays Jesus states at the end of the current Son of God movie trailer, “I am coming soon.” To a theater near you, does he mean?
- The End of the World, of human life or of all earthly life, is a cult notion having real urgency only in recent decades of nuclear war fears and environmental meltdown. An ancient prophecy states, “When there is fighting in the Holy Land, the world will end.” But given recent history, it would be more plausible to say the world might end when there is NO fighting in the Holy Land.
What's missing here?
All of these ancient ideas tend to ignore the most powerful and revolutionary teachings of Jesus Christ, such as the forgiveness of sin, the conversion of lapsed Jews and other faiths to his gospel, spiritual healing, compassion for the poor and respect for women and men as equals. His admonitions to love thy neighbor, love thine enemy, turn the other cheek, disdain wealth and render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, all seem to have been conveniently forgotten for political reasons. But their influence on human civilization for the last two thousand years can't be ignored.
The God of the Old Testament commands “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” and Geo-Gaia doesn't dispute this. She is a new Goddess, much different from her ancient counterpart Gaea who birthed all the Titans, Giants, Cyclopes, and other gods and monsters of the Greek pantheon. It’s time for humanity to recognize a down-to-earth deity who ordains reality.
Geo-Gaia is a tolerant Goddess. She doesn't require that you be baptized, born again or circumcised, whether male or female. But do note that, just as the ancient Greek Gaea did for Aristaeus, this New Goddess has the power to make humans immortal.
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